Have you experienced any of these “moments”?

Ready for Growth

You are a rock star and consistently deliver! You have the excellent feedback and performance reviews to prove it. You are rewarded with additional accountability, but do not see or feel the growth you are seeking or that you've been promised. You want more and know that there is more you can contribute.

Wearing Multiple Hats

Your days vanish quickly and your nights are filled with catching up on emails, creating deliverables, helping with homework and figuring out how to take time to care for yourself.  You just may scream at the next person that tells you "they don't know how you do it".  You carry it all, and seemingly well. But inside you know you can't keep this up forever.

Career Transitioning

You have just been promoted to management or executive management and need specific advice on how to adapt your leadership style to ensure you are maximizing your potential. Or perhaps one day you are riding the heights of your career and the next your are searching for a new job in a career-searching environment you do not recognize.

Leading Complex Change

Your organization's growth goals are dependent on your success. You lead in a complex and or matrixed-environment where your ability to influence and drive results is critical to your performance.  Maybe there are team dynamic issues that need to be addressed in order to achieve your goals and meet delivery expectations.


Are You Ready for Front Door Leadership?


Lead From Where You Are means taking action no matter what you are facing. It's a mindset for movement, growth, and taking personal leaps.

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Whether you are an accomplished leader on the rise and ready for more, or you are looking for solutions on how to balance "it all" and deliver powerful impact.


I help ambitious leaders because I have experienced all of these "moments" and have the tools and strategies to help you reach your goals!